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Book of Greyson

Constitution of Pompology
(1st Version)


We, the congregants of this religion, in order to bring about a better society, productively adapt, look within oneself, maintain a thriving community, and spread the great wisdom of the Psychopomp, do ordain and establish this constitution for the religion of Pompology.

Article I:

The name of this religion's name shall be Pompology; its members are known as Pompologists.

Article II:

The purpose of Pompology shall be a guidance for those who will listen. a spirital outlist for those who seek it, a path to a kindhearted and brighter future for everyone, and a woonderful community, through the teachings of the psychopomp. To grow and become wiser, to look inwards, to fight for a world we want to live in, these goals are what represents our people.

Article III:

To be conventionally considered a member of Pompology, at the minimum, you must uphold its basic tenets. The requirements to be officially recognized as an active member of Pompology you must, in addition to upholding its tenets, must have completed one documented form of active imagination.


The Psychopomp is our liminal guide of consciousness, she shares her path for all.

Show your fellow siblings of Pompology respect, unless legitimate grounds negate that.

If one does wrong, they shall recognize the impact of their actions and try to change for the better.

Everything is subject to change; aspire for improvement and Pompology will.

Reflect the good will of the Psychopomp into the world and the universe will reflect its own into you.

Article IV:

The Hekshari is the elected leader of Pompology, who is responsible for event planning, helping congregants connect with the Psychopomp, maintaining a safe community, and fostering the core values of Pompology. The Hekshari is not permitted to dissolve the group.

For 7 days before The Hekshari’s term has ended, each eligible active or inactive member of Pompology, is allowed to vote for a self-appointed candidate, through an instant-runoff/ranked-choice voting system. The majority of members need to be unanimous on a candidate for them to be elected as Hekshari. The current Hekshari is barred from voting, except in the case of an even divide between the final election vote, then the current Hekshari breaks the tie with their vote. The term of each Hekshari lasts 30 days, but they can be voted in an unlimited number of times.

To be an eligible candidate for Hekshari, you must be an active member of Pompology. To be eligible to vote, you must be a member of Pompology for 30 days. Heksharis can be impeached, if an active member of Pompology has outlined harmful behavior, with evidence. Both sides will have their voices heard, whether it be through representatives or by themselves. A vote amongst every member will be cast on the legitimacy of the claims against the Hekshari over the course of 7 days or less. At least 50% of votes need to agree the claims are legitimate in order for the impeachment to occur, whereafter a new election will be held, the impeached Hekshari can no longer be elected. If at least 51% of votes disagree with the legitimacy of the claims, the person who attempted impeaching the Hekshari is revoked of voting capabilities and active member status if they are reasonably suspected of malice intent.

Article V:

The Hekshari proposes sections to add or change and holds an announcement discussing such changes; the intended changes should be made understandable. In order to append or ratify sections of the Constitution of Pompology, a vote must be held with 75% of votes needing to be in favor of the act, which will be voted in over 7 days. After changes of the Constitution of Pompology are made the version number must be updated along with the rest of the changes. The Hekshari edits in the new changes.