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Book of Greyson

Book of Greyson

Act I

Chapter I

In the beginning there was nothing. Suddenly there was something. Our story starts way after that. Our story starts with a boy. This boy was very ordinary, but would do great things later in his life. The boy's name was Greyson. He was interested in learning all he could. He had many wonders about many aspects of life. He wanted knowledge. He wasn't some special saint. He was just a boy who wanted to hear what everyone wanted to say. He excelled in school, keeping his grades up while always having the time to interact with other kids. He was raised very well. People respected him, and they were given his respect too. By the time he was 12, he knew quite a lot. He was knowledgeable in social constructs and the human mind. He had a knack for researching anything he could. But when he was 17, his biggest interest revealed itself to him

Chapter II

When he turned 17, he took an interest in meditation. He wanted to explore the deepest parts of his mind. Learning about the in and outs of the brain, discovering feelings hidden, lost in the unconscious. During one of these sessions, the boy came across a figure. It was feminine yet had no solid form, closer to an idea than a thing. He reached out to her and asked "What are you?" The idea took a second to respond. As it stared back at Greyson it said, "I am the psychopomp. I've helped guide you through your entire life. You've grown to be very wise, just as I hoped. Your kindness has inspired others and you've impressed me. I'd like you to spread your kindness to everyone you meet." Greyson didn't know what to say. As he slowly walked towards her, he began to open his mouth to speak. But before any words came out, she closed his mouth for him. "No need to speak to me, young one." she whispered. "I know you wish to speak, so speak of me to others. Let the world know my name. Inspire the people with your voice. Let our ideas run free. Make the world a better place." His thoughts began to race. He had trouble focusing. His eyes suddenly opened and he was hit with a bright light.

Chapter III

As life went on, he kept thinking about the psychopomp. Should he listen to it? It seemed helpful. He had more questions too. He decided what he should do. As he sat down and shut his eyes, she appeared once more. "Please!" He begged, "Please tell me more!" "You already know all about me. I'm a guide through life. Helping others with their paths of life. The very same thing you do." "But what do I tell them?" He asked. "Speak from the heart, Greyson. Simply doing good and helping others is all I ask. Teach them to be kind, to appreciate others. To make the world better. For all of us" He nodded as he opened his eyes and started writing.

Act II

Chapter I

He knew he had to let someone know. He needed to spread the word. In the car, his thoughts were racing. Would people believe me? Will they ever listen? He was so lost in his mind that he didn't even realize his ride was over. "This is it." he said as he walked inside. His friends greeted him as he walked towards the table. They didn't know how important this day would be. "Guys, I'm going to start a religion!" "What?" Ash responded. Ash was a friend of his. Along with Ash was Melody, another friend. "I'm in!" she said. "Great!" Greyson responded. "One person already! What about you Ash?" "What is it even about?" "It's about being kind to others with the help of the Psychopomp." "So the Psychopomp is a god?" "No." "Oh." The bell started to ring. "So are you in?" Greyson called out. "Suree." Ash responded. As Greyson walked to class, he thought about how fast it's growing and they need a symbol. He spent multiple periods designing symbols, trying to find the perfect one. Finally, he got it. He created the Triangle of Life. It represented the guidance through life, and the 3 parts of the unconscious. The ego, masculinity, and femininity. And Greyson said it was good. And it was good. He raced towards the tables excitedly. Everyone slowly got their food and spread out to their respective tables. Greyson and his friends always sat in the same spot every day. (as of June 1st, 2024, this has been changed and now they sit at a different table.(as of November 17th, 2024, Greyson graduated and Melody dropped out, so neither of them sit at any table.)) Once they were all seated, Greyson stood up and spoke. "So during class, I sketched out a few symbols for our religion." He pulled out a paper from his bag, covered front and back with hundreds of little symbols. "I finally landed on the perfect one! Here!" He said as he pointed to the triangle with a squiggle underneath. He explained the meaning of the symbol to all his friends. "Cool." said Melody. Ash thought it was interesting but just nodded while he spoke. The black smoke was coming.